Education and Training


We offer NCDOT-approved training & certifications in Work Zone Safety, Flagging, and Flagger Instructor.

At JMTE, we believe that excellence depends on achieving the highest professional standards for our services and on providing first-rate education and training for other local professionals whose work is essential to public safety and community confidence. That includes work zone flaggers, property developers, local planning boards, and school systems.

Many of our courses are available for continuing professional competency in multiple fields, including work zone supervisors, surveyors, experienced safety engineers, insurance professionals, and more. We offer onsite industry-specific courses and periodic training opportunities for individuals who need to obtain or renew certifications.

We take pride in structuring our courses to incorporate hands-on experience

We take pride in structuring our courses to incorporate hands-on experience, using current law and real-life examples of the kinds of transportation safety issues that arise in communities. We’ll do our best to make sure that everyone – from members of the public to work zone employees – get home safely every day.

We also offer custom-designed courses such as Planning Board Orientation Training, Quasi-Judicial Hearings, MUTCD Overview and Compliance, Traffic Signal Operation, and Tort Liability. We can customize training opportunities for local and state governments, local businesses and industries, developers, insurance agencies, property associations, schools, and religious institutions. Courses may be held at or near your workplace to minimize your travel requirements.

To schedule a course or for more information, contact us by phone at 828-456-8383, or email,; or contact Mark Blanton, Lead Instructor, at 919-413-4004 or You may also send your “Work Zone Installer/Supervisor” applications to