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25 Services to Address Your Community’s Transportation Issues & Opportunities

Since 2010, J.M. Teague Engineering & Planning (JMTE) has helped municipal governments address transportation engineering, planning, and funding issues. We value serving as a trusted advisor and resource to North Carolina communities. Our engineers and planners understand local government and its challenges. We know it is important to work with stakeholders to identify solid solutions to those challenges.
Our staff includes former NCDOT employees, MPO Executive Directors, municipal engineers, and transportation/land use planners with years of intergovernmental collaborative experience. We also serve private clients and are sensitive to their role in meeting your transportation goals.
We offer these services to help you address existing transportation concerns and plan a transportation system to accommodate growth, development, and redevelopment while fostering economic development. 
Transportation Engineering & Transportation Planning Services
     Traffic Impact Analysis Review
  Pavement Condition Assessments
   ADA Self-Assessments and Transition Plans
       Powell Bill Mapping
      Traffic Calming
      One Way Studies
      Parking Studies and Design
     Greenways and Trails
      NCDOT Collaboration & Liaison
     Traffic Data Collection including Turning Movements
   Traffic Management Plans
     Pavement Marking and Signing Plans
       Roundabout Feasibility Studies and Preliminary Design
      Intersection and Street Safety Studies
      GIS and Infrastructure Assessment
       Multimodal Transportation Planning
       Wayfinding Plans
       Stakeholder Surveys, Engagement, and Visioning
  Comprehensive Plans and Small Area Plans
     Work Zone Safety Training
    Unified Development Ordinance (UDO)
       Comprehensive Transportation Plans
      Road Diet Studies/Preliminary Plans
    Complete Streets Policies and Plans
Special Event Traffic Management Plans
Whether you are developing your annual budget, work program, or just want to brainstorm a particular topic, please contact Dave Gildersleeve, JMTE Client Relations Manager at 828-456-8383 Office or 813-309-0598 Mobile, or by email at should you want to learn more about how JMTE can assist your community.