These funds can assist in the maintenance, repair, construction, reconstruction and widening of your town’s streets and public thoroughfares. For more information on NCDOT Powell Bill funding, click here
J.M. Teague Engineering will get your Town’s Powell Bill Map and mileage prepared & submitted to NCDOT on time & without any hassle to you.
Call us today for an affordable quote.
Don’t miss out on this available funding!!!
Powell Bill Funding Uses
Once you receive your Powell Bill funds, remember that we can also help with your planning process for use of the funds. As stated in the 2015 House Bill 97, “Powell Bill funds shall be expended primarily for the purposes of resurfacing streets within the corporate limits of the municipality but may also used for maintaining, repairing, constructing, reconstructing or widening of any street or public thoroughfare within the municipal limits or for planning, construction, and maintenance of bikeways, greenways or sidewalks.”